Zainteresowania - Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Mejza

Stanisław Mejza - Biography



Education: 1971 – M.Sc. (mathematics), specialization – numerical methods, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland; 1976 – Doctorate (mathematics), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, specialization – mathematical statistics; 1986 – Habilitation (natural sciences), Agricultural University of Poznań, specialization – applied statistics, biometry and agricultural experimentation; 1993 – Professor (natural sciences), promoted by the President of Poland,  1997 - full Professor – Ministry of National Education.

Employed at Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poznań  as:

1971–1976 Instructor, 1976–1986  Assistant Professor, 1986–1997  Associate Professor,

1997 Full Professor. Since 1988: Head of the Division of Mathematical Statistics (now the Division of Biostatistics), Department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods.

Teaching experience: Mathematics, mathematical statistics, applied statistics (biometry) with special reference to agronomy, biology and genetics.

Field of specialization: Mathematical statistics and its application in natural sciences, biometry, computational statistics and environmental statistics.

Main research experience:

1)       Theory of estimation and testing of hypotheses in fixed and mixed models

            (MR: 62A10, 62A20, 62E15, 62E20, 62F03, 62F10, 62J10, 62H20)

            The main research work concerns parameter estimation and testing of hypotheses in models connected with one-factor experiments carried out in designs with block structures (nested and crossed) as well as with factorial designs (split block and split plot). The consequences of different schemes of randomization of units are expressed by the statistical properties of the linear models (structure of expected value and dispersion). The suggested estimation of parameters and testing of hypotheses is based on an approach suited to multistratum experiments possessing the general balance property.

            Particular attention is paid to genetic and agronomical experiments. The considered genetic experiments were performed in order to make inferences concerning some genetic parameters (general combining ability, specific combining ability, reciprocal effect). The considered hybrids (genotypes) were obtained by some (diallel, line x tester, factorial) crossing system. The agronomical experiments considered were performed in order to make inferences concerning some (factorial) treatments or genotype x environment interaction.

2)       Experimental designs (block  designs, factorial designs, series of experiments)

            (MR: 62K, 05B05, 05B15)

            The research in this area concerns modeling of experimental observations from one- or many-factor experiments carried out in designs with nested, crossed or mixed block structures. Randomization plays a crucial role, and hence the final models considered are called randomization-derived linear models. Under these models such statistical properties as orthogonality, efficiency, optimality, estimability, testability, combining estimators, combining tests and general balance were considered. Particular attention was paid to incomplete block designs, row-column designs, incomplete split plot designs and incomplete split block designs. In particular a general methodology (designing, modeling and statistical inference) for incomplete split plot designs and incomplete split block was stated. This methodology also includes considerations concerning the consequences of different assignments and roles of control treatments. The control treatments considered are either at the level of one of the factors or are individual control treatments not connected with the factor levels.

Publishing and editorial activities: More than 180 peer-reviewed scientific papers, more than 200 (conference) abstracts and editor of special editions of Colloquium Biometricum and Scientific Papers of the Agricultural University of Poznań, Agriculture.

Editor: Biometrical Letters (since 2005). Editorial Board: Communication in Biometry and Crop Science (since 2005).

Societies: Polish Biometric Society. 1989 – Chairman of the Polish Biometric Society. 2005 – 2017 Secretary of the Polish National Group of the International Biometric Society (IBS). 1994–1997 – council member of the IBS. 2010–2013 – member of the Budget and Finance Committee of the IBS. 2011 – Vice-Chairman of the Mathematical Statistics Section of the Polish Statistical Association. 2000 – member of the the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

I act as a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews.

International co-operation.

Bilateral cooperation and visits (short-term visiting professor)  with collegues at:  Norway (Aas), Denmark (Copenhagen), Israel (Tel Aviv), Germany (Berlin, Dortmund), Japan (Hiroshima, Tsukuba, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya), Portugal (Lisbon), Spain (Barcelona), France (Paris), Great Britain (London, Exeter, Rothamsted Experimentation, Harpenden, Edinburgh) Ireland (Dublin), Czech Republic (Brno), Slovakia (Nitra), Greece (Athens), South Africa (Cape Town), USA (Berkeley,  Riverside), Holland (Wageningen).  Long-term visiting professor at Perugia University, Italy (one year). I cooperate with Evora University, Open University, Lisbon, Portugal, and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany under the Erasmus scheme. Co-organizer of the Portuguese–Polish Workshops on Biometry. Organizer or co-organizer of the International Biometrical Colloquium held in Poland annually.



16.07.2024 //