Wybrane publikacje - Prof. dr hab. Radosław Kala


List of selected publications

Kala, R., On a Simplified Approach to Estimation in Experiments with Orthogonal Block Structure.
in: K. Filipiak, A. Markiewicz, D. von Rosen (Eds.) Multivariate, Multiliear and Mixed Linear
Models. Contributions to Statistics
. Springer, 253-263 (2021)

Haslett, S.J., Isolato, J., Kala, R.,Markiewicz, A., Puntanen, S., A Review of the Linear
Sufficiency and Linear Prediction Sifficiency in the Linear Molel with New Observations.
In: K. Filipiak, A. Markiewicz, D. von Rosen (Eds.) Multivariate, Multiliear
and Mixed Linear Models. Contributions to Statistics
. Springer, 265-318 (2021)

Kala, R., A new look at combining information from stratum submodels.
In: S.E.Ahmed, F. Carvalho, S. Puntanen (eds) Matrices, Statistics and Big Data,
Selected Contributions from IWMS 2016
, Springer, 35-49 (2019)

Kala, R., Puntanen, S., Markiewicz, A.Some further remarks on the linear sufficiency
in the linear model. In: N. Bebiano (ed.) Applied and Computational Matrix Analysis,
Springer, 275-294 (2017)

Kala, R., Puntanen, S., Tian, Y.
Some notes on linear sufficiency. Statistical Papers.
Online: DOI 10.1007/s00362-015-0682-2. Print: (2017), 58, 1-17 (2015)

Bakinowska, E., Blichoński, A., Kala, R., Zawieja, B.
A remark on genotype selection in plant breeding projects.
Biometrical Letters 52, 131-137 (2015)

Błażejczyk-Majka, L., Kala, R.
On the combined estimation of technical efficiency and its application to agriculture.
Agricultural Economics - Czech 61, 441-449 (2015)

Błażejczyk-Majka, L., Kala, R.
Do field crop farms and mixed farm of EU members improve productivity
at the same rate?
Journal of Central European Agriculture, 14, 229-242 (2013)

Błażejczyk-Majka, L., Kala, R., Maciejewski, K.
Productivity and efficiency of large and small field crop farms and mixed farms
of the old and new EU regions.
Agricultural Economics - Czech 58, 61-71 (2011)

Kala, R.
A note on Anderson’s note on a stationary autoregressive process.
Discussiones Mathematicae. Probability and Statistics 30, 237-239 (2010)

Kala, R.
On nested block designs geometry.
Statistical Papers 50, 805-815 (2009)

Kala, R., Pordzik, P.
Estimation in singular partitioned, reduced or transformed linear models.
Statistical Papers 50, 633-638 (2009)

Bakinowska, E., Kala, R.
An application of logistic models for comparison of varieties of seed pea
with respect to lodging.
Listy Biometryczne – Biometrical Letters 44, 143-154 (2007)

Kala, R., Pordzik, P.
Two local operators and the BLUE.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 417, 134-139 (2006)

Kala, R., Krzyśko, M., Wołyński, W.
Two preliminary tests for discriminant analysis.
Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 34, 179-189 (2005)

Bakinowska, E., Kala, R.
Likelihood and quasi-likelihood estimation of transition probabilities.
Discussiones Mathematicae. Probability and Statistics 24, 77-84 (2004)

Kala, R., Krzyśko, M.
An extension of Bar-Hen’s preliminary test procedure.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84, 410-412 (2003)

Bakinowska, E., Kala, R.
Maximum likelihood estimation for multivariate categorical data.
Listy Biometryczne – Biometrical Letters 39, 29-40 (2002)

Walkowiak, R., Kala, R.
Two-phase nonlinear regression with smooth transition.
Communications in Statistics – Simulation 29, 385-397 (2000)

Kala, R.
Missing observations in designed experiments revisited.
Biometrical Journal 40, 99-105 (1998)

Kala, R., Kłaczyński, K.
Generalized inverses of a sum of matrices.
Sankhya. Series A 56, 458-464 (1994)

Kala, R., Molińska, A., Moliński, K.
Approximate confidence interval for a ratio of two variance components.
Communications in Statistics - Theory and methods A 19, 1889-1898 (1990)

Kala, R., Kłaczyński, K.
Recursive improvement of estimates in a Ganuss-Markov model
with linear restrictions.
Canadian Journal of Statistics 16, 301-305 (1988)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
Linear sufficiency with respect to a given vector of parametric functions.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 14, 331-338 (l986)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R., Kłaczyński, K.
The matrix inequality M ³ B*MB.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 54, 77-86 (1983)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
On equalities between BLUEs , WLSEs, and SLSEs.
The Canandian Journal of Statistics 11, 119-123 (1983)

Kala, R.
Projectors and linear estimation in general linear models.
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods Part A 10, 849-873 (1981)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
Simple least squares estimation versus best linear unbiased prediction.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 5, 147-15 (1981)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
Linear transformations preserving best linear unbiased estimator
in general Gauss-Markoff model.
The Annals of Statistics 9, 913-916.(1981)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
The matrix equation AXB + CYD = E.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 30, 141-147 (1980)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
On the difference between two second degree polynomials,
each following a chi-square distribution.
Sankhya. Series A 42, 123-127 (1980)

Baksalary, J.K., Hauke, J., Kala, R.
Nonnegative definite solutions to some matrix equations occurring
in distribution theory of quadratic forms.
Sankhya. Series A 42, 283-291 (1980)

Baksalary, J.K., Dobek, A., Kala, R.
Some methods for constructing efficiency-balanced block designs.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 4, 25-32 (1980)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
The matrix equation AX - YB = C.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 25, 41-43 (1979)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
Covariance adjustment when a vector of parameters is restricted
to a given subspace.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 37, 20-21 (1979)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
Relationships between some representations of the best linear
unbiased estimator in the general Gauss-Markoff model.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 35, 515-519 (1978)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
A bound for the Euclidean norm of the difference between
the least squares and the best linear unbiased estimators.
The Annals of Statistics 6, 1390-1393 (1978)

Baksalary, J.K., Corsten, L. C. A., Kala, R.
Reconciliation of two different views on estimation of growth
curve parameters.
Biometrika 65, 662-665 (1978)

 Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
An extension of a rank criterion for the least squares estimator
to be the best linear unbiased estimator.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference l, 309-312 (1977)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
A method of finding bases of a matrix.
Commentationes Mathematicae 20, 1-5 (1977)

Baksalary, J.K., Kala, R.
Extensions of Milliken's estimability criterion.
The Annals of Statistics 4, 639-641 (1976)


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