Katedra Fizjologii i Biochemii Zwierząt
Department of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry
inż. Czarek Samson
Publikacje Publications

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Publikacje w czasopismach recenzowanych z listy filadelfijskiej

Gregoraszczuk, E.L., Ptak, A., Wojciechowicz, T., Nowak, K.W. (2007) Action of IGF-I on expression of the long form of the leptin receptor (ObRb) in the prepubertal period and throughout the estrous cycle in the mature pig ovary. Journal of Reproduction and Development 53: 289-295.

Nogowski L., Nowicka E., Szkudelski T., Szkudelska K. 2007. The effect of genistein on some hormones and metabolic parameters in the immature, female rats. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 16: 274-282

Rucinski M., Nowak K.W., Chmielewska J., Ziolkowska A., Malendowicz L.K. 2007. Neuropeptide W exerts a potent suppressive effect on blood leptin and insulin concentrations in the rat. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 19: 401-405 

Singh, V., Grötzinger, C., Nowak, K.W., Zacharias, S., Göncz, E., Pless, G., Sauer, I.M., Eichhorn, I., Pfeiffer-Guglielmi, B., Hamprecht, B., Wiedenmann, B., Plöckinger, U., Strowski, M.Z. (2007) Somatostatin receptor subtype -2-deficient mice with diet induced obesity have hyperglycemia, non-fasting hyperglucagonemia and decreased hepatic glycogen deposition. Endocrinology 148: 3887-3899.

Stachowiak M., Mackowski M., Madeja Z., Szydlowski M., Buszka A., Kaczmarek P., Rubis B., Mackowiak P., Nowak K.W., Switonski M. 2007. Polymorphism of the Porcine Leptin Gene Promoter and Analysis of Its Association with Gene Expression and Fatness Traits. Biochemical Genetics 45: 245-253   

Szkudelska K., Nogowski L. 2007. Genistein – A dietary compound inducing hormonal and metabolic changes. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 105: 37-45

Szkudelska K., Nogowski L., Nowicka E., Szkudelski T. 2007. In vivo metabolic effects of naringenin in the ethanol consuming rat and the effect of naringenin on adipocytes in vitro. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 91: 91-99

Szkudelski T. 2007. Resveratrol-induced inhibition of insulin secretion from rat pancreatic islets: evidence for pivotal role in metabolic disturbances. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism 293: E901-E907

Szkudelski T. 2007. Intracellular mediators in regulation of leptin secretion from adipocytes. Physiological Research 56: 503-512

Publikacje w innych czasopismach recenzowanych o zasięgu co najmniej krajowym

Galiński G., Gawęcki J., Szczepankiewicz D., Bajerska J., Nowak K.W., Jeszka J. 2007. Nutritional status and blood serum levels of glucose and selected peptide hormones in young adults. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 57: 15-17

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Katedra  Fizjologii  i  Biochemii  Zwierząt            Department of Animal Physiology and Biochenistry